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Sandstorm over Western Europe

West Europe | Western, Mediterranean, Spain, France, Germany

Date of acquisition:   February 6th, 2021  |  09:49:59 UTC

Sensor:  Sentinel-3 OLCI, Sentinel-2 L2A

Coordinates:     ca. 44°N, 3°E (Massif Central in France)

A sandstorm resulting from low atmospheric pressure in Northern Africa and strong southerly winds transported unusual large amounts of sand and dust from the Sahara to Europe. The image shows the aerosol distribution area (yellow), from Algeria, across the Western Mediterranean to Lorraine in France and Baden-Württemberg in Germany. The second higher resolution image shows the snow-capped peaks of the Massif Central in France that tower above yellow clouds of aerosols.

Images contain modified Copernicus Sentinel data [2021].