BEAM Java Tutorial


How to continue after this tutorial


  1. Check for invalid or missing input pixels
  2. Specify invalid or missing output pixels
  3. Add more information to the output product
  4. Extend the BEAM Java API
  5. Find out more about the BEAM Java API

Check for invalid or missing input pixels

If you are already used to the BEAM API you can try to add some important extensions to your source code from exercise 4. In a real data processing software we would have to check if the input pixel value is defined and valid at a given pixel position x,y. We would also like to specify missing or invalid NDVI output pixels in the output product.

For the NDVI we should only use pixels over land. The MERIS Level-2 product has a classification flag called LAND for this purpose. It is contained in the flags band l2_flags. Given here are two approaches to read the LAND flag:

1. Add a VirtualBand to the input prouduct from which you can then read the flag values:

    String landMaskExpr = "l2_flags.LAND";
    Band landMaskBand = new VirtualBand("land_mask", ProductData.TYPE_INT8, width, height, landMaskExpr);
    byte[] landMask = new byte[w];
    landMaskBand.readPixels(0, y, w, 1, landMask);
    if (landMask[x] != 0) { // valid input pixel for NDVI

2. A similar way is to use the BEAM band arithmetic directly. You will often find the following code snippet in the source code of the BEAM processors:

    String landMaskExpr = "l2_flags.LAND";
    Term landMaskTerm = inputProduct.createTerm(landMaskExpr);
    boolean[] landMask = new boolean[w];
    inputProduct.readBitmask(0, y, w, 1, landMaskTerm, landMask);
    if (landMask[x]) { // valid input pixel for NDVI

Specify invalid or missing output pixels

The Band class provides two options to specify invalid or missing output pixels:

A. Specify the no-data property of the Band class. In this case you tell the band which no-data value you have used to indicate that the NDVI could not been computed, e.g. -1:

    pubic static final float NDVI_INV = -1;
    ndviPixels[x] = NDVI_INV; // if invalid

B. Additionaly we can set the valid-pixel expression property of the Band class. This property is a BEAM band arithmetic expression string:

    pubic static final String NDVI_VALID = "NDVI >= 0 && NDVI <1";

You can see the effect of the no-data and valid-pixel expression properties directly if you enable the No-Data Overlay for the NDVI image view in VISAT. You can also use the Property Editor to change these properties.

Add more information to the output product

After opening the output of the NDVI exercise in VISAT, we recognise a somehow poor NDVI product. A standard Envisat data product normally contains a lot of additional information such as:

The following table shall give you some hints on where to search in the BEAM-API for support on these issues.

BEAM API Link Purpose Example
TiePointGrid Similar to a band, put pixel values given at a rectangular grid of tie-points only. Pixel value at band coordinates are computed using linear interpolation between tie-points. TiePointGrid grid = new TiePointGrid(...);
GeoCoding Provides the geo-coding for all bands of a product. GeoCoding coding = new TiePointGeoCoding(latGrid, lonGrid);
FlagCoding Provides the description of all flags in a flags-band. FlagCoding flagCoding = new FlagCoding("output_flags");
flagCoding.addFlag("INVALID", 0x0001, "Pixel is invalid");
flagCoding.addFlag("NN_IOOR", 0x0002, "NN input is out of range");
flagCoding.addFlag("NN_OOOR", 0x0002, "NN output is out of range");
Band flagsBand = new Band("atm_corr_flags", ProductData.TYPE_UINT8, w, h);
MetadataAttribute MetadataElement Provides meta-data for a product. Meta-data is provided as a hierarchical structure. Every product has automatically a meta-data root element. You can add elements to this root element and to your own elements. Actual data is stored in attributes which you assign to the elements. MetadataElement root = product.getMetadataRoot(); root.addMetadataElement(new MetadataElement(...));
ProductUtils Copy information from one (input) product to another (output) product and many more utility functions for data products. ProductUtils.copyBand, ProductUtils.copyTiePointGrid, ProductUtils.copyBitmaskDefs, ProductUtils.copyFlagCodings
VirtualBand Create a band whose pixels are computed from other bands, tie-point grids or flag datasets contained in the product. String expre = "0.5 * (radiance_1 + radiance_2)";
Band mean12Band = new VirtualBand("mean12_band", 512, 512, expr);
To be continued    

Extend the BEAM Java API

The following table shows all BEAM extension points that are exported to the public use. It gives you an idea of the large possibilities to increase the functionality of BEAM.

Plug-in Interface Plug-in Registry Plug-in Description
VisatPlugIn VisatPlugInManager Extension point for VISAT user interface extensions. VISAT automatically loads plug-in classes which implement the VisatPlugIn interface from the plug-in search path during startup.
CommandListener, CommandAdapter CommandManager Extension point for invoking commands from the VISAT user interface. A VISAT plug-in usually registers one or more commands with the command manager.
ProductReader, AbstractProductReader ProductIOPlugInManager Extension point for data product readers for different file formats, e.g. BEAM-DIMAP, Envisat N1, MODIS, AVHRR.
Once the ProductIOPlugInManager or ProductIO classes are used by a client program, it automatically loads all plug-ins implementing the ProductReader interface from the plug-in search path.
ProductWriter, AbstractProductWriter, ProductIOPlugInManager Extension point for data product writers for different file formats, e.g. BEAM-DIMAP, HDF-5, GeoTIFF.
Once the ProductIOPlugInManager or ProductIO classes are used by a client program, it automatically loads all plug-ins implementing the ProductWriter interface from the plug-in search path.
MapProjection, MapTransformDescriptor MapProjectionRegistry Extension point for map projections, e.g. UTM, Geographic and map coordinate transformations, e.g. Transverse Mercator, Identity.
Once the MapProjectionRegistry class is used by a client program, it automatically loads all plug-ins implementing the MapTransformDescriptor interface from the plug-in search path.
ElevationModelDescriptor ElevationModelRegistry Extension point for digital elevation maps (DEM), e.g. GETASSE30.
In BEAM 3.x, ElevationModelDescriptor plug-ins are not automatically loaded.
Function Symbol BandArithmetic Extension point for mathematical functions such as sin, cos, exp, log and symbols such as PI, E, X, Y to be used in expressions in the band arithmetic.
In BEAM 3.x, Function and Symbol plug-ins are not automatically loaded.

Find out more about the BEAM Java API

The BEAM installation contains some example sourcecode that shall help you developing your own applications. The code can be found in the examples.zip archive located in the root directory of your BEAM installation. The examples cover the following topics:

The BEAM web page contains a lot of useful BEAM plug-ins that are free to download. Some of them are supplied with source code. You will also find the BEAM Java API on this web page. The API docs are also found in api-docs.zip in your BEAM installation folder.

You should also consider to review the BEAM source code found in the src.zip archive located in your BEAM installation folder. You can use the Goto definition function in your Java IDE (Ctrl+B in IDEA) on BEAM API classes and methods used in your code.

If you are new to Java, you should take a look at the overwhelming variety of tutorials on Java programming at Sun's Java pages.

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