Supported ENVISAT Products


  Fields of ENVISAT ASAR_Wave_SQ_ADSR Records

Index Identifier Field Type Field Length Description Units
0 "zero_doppler_time" MJD 1 Zero doppler time at which SQ information applies MJD
1 "attach_flag" UChar 1 Attachment Flag. Set to 1 if PF-ASAR was unable to produce an imagette for the wave cell. The fields in other DSR's corresponding to this one are set to zero, apart from the Zero Doppler Time. flag
2 "input_mean_flag" UChar 1 Input data mean outside nominal range flag0 = mean of I and Q input values are both within specified range from expected mean. For expected mean of x, the measured mean must fall between x-threshold to x+threshold.1 = otherwise flag
3 "input_std_dev_flag" UChar 1 Input data standard deviation outside nominal range flag0 = standard deviation values of I and Q input values are both within specified range of expected standard deviation. For expected std. dev. x, the measured std. dev. must fall between x-threshold to flag
4 "input_gaps_flag" UChar 1 Significant gaps in the input data flagAn input data gap is defined as a contiguous block of N missing lines (the value of N is predefined for each product)0 = number of input gaps <= threshold value1 = number of input data gaps > threshold value flag
5 "input_missing_lines_flag" UChar 1 Missing lines significant flag 0 = percentage of missing lines <= threshold value 1 = percentage of missing lines > threshold valueThe number of missing lines is the number of lines missing from the input data excluding data gaps. flag
6 "dop_cen_flag" UChar 1 Doppler Centroid Uncertain flag0 = confidence measure >= specified value1 = Error message generated if confidence measure < specified value(note: if more than one Doppler centroid estimation is performed in a slice the flag is set if any confidence measur flag
7 "dop_amb_flag" UChar 1 Doppler ambiguity estimate uncertain flag0 = confidence measure >= specified value1 = confidence measure < specified value flag
8 "output_mean_flag" UChar 1 Output data mean outside nominal range flag0 = mean of I and Q output values for SLC image or mean of detected pixels for a detected product, are both within specified range from expected mean. For expected mean of x, the measured mean must fall between x flag
9 "output_std_dev_flag" UChar 1 Output data standard deviation outside nominal range flag0 = std. dev. of I and Q output values for SLC image or std. dev. of detected pixels for a detected product, are both within specified range from expected std. dev. For expected std. dev. of x, the flag
10 "chirp_flag" UChar 1 Chirp extraction failed or is of low quality flag 0 = able to extract all chirps or chirp extraction not requested (nominal chirp used) AND all quality measures were acceptable.1 = unable to extract a chirp during processing and chirp extraction was reque flag
11 "missing_data_sets_flag" UChar 1 Data sets missing flag0 = all data sets which are supposed to be in the product are present1 = any data sets (including ADSs) are missing from the product which are supposed to be included under normal circumstances. Which data sets are missing can be det flag
12 "invalid_downlink_flag" UChar 1 Invalid downlink parameters flag0 = all parameters read from the downlinked data were valid1 = displayed if any downlink parameter is out of range and therefore a default value has been used during processing. flag
13 "spare_1" Spare 1 Spare -
14 "thresh_chirp_broadening" Float 1 Threshold for setting the chirp quality flag. Maximum percentage broadening permitted in cross-correlation pulse width compared to theoretical width. %
15 "thresh_chirp_sidelobe" Float 1 Threshold for setting the chirp quality flag - First sidelobe of the chirp cross correlation function dB
16 "thresh_chirp_islr" Float 1 Threshold for setting the chirp quality flag - ISLR of the chirp cross correlation function dB
17 "thresh_input_mean" Float 1 Threshold for setting the mean of input data quality flag - For an expected mean value of x, this is the value T, such that the measured mean must fall between the x-T and x+T. -
18 "exp_input_mean" Float 1 Expected mean input value for this product for both I and Q. -
19 "thresh_input_std_dev" Float 1 Threshold for setting the standard deviation of input data quality flag - For an expected std. dev. value of y, this is the value D, such that the measured std. dev. must fall between the y-D and y+D. -
20 "exp_input_std_dev" Float 1 Expected input std. dev. for this product for both I and Q. -
21 "thresh_dop_cen" Float 1 Threshold for setting the Doppler Centroid quality flag - Threshold for Doppler Centroid confidence -
22 "thresh_dop_amb" Float 1 Threshold for setting the Doppler Centroid ambiguity quality flag - Threshold for setting the Doppler Centroid ambiguity confidence flag -
23 "thresh_output_mean" Float 1 Threshold for setting the mean of output data quality flag - For an expected mean value of x, this is the value T, such that the measured mean must fall between the x-T and x+T. -
24 "exp_output_mean" Float 1 Expected mean output value for this product. For an SLC product this is the expected mean of both the I and Q values. -
25 "thresh_output_std_dev" Float 1 Threshold for setting the standard deviation of output data quality flag - For an expected std. dev. value of y, this is the value D, such that the measured std. dev. must fall between the y-D and y+D. -
26 "exp_output_std_dev" Float 1 Expected output std. dev. for this product. For an SLC product this is the expected output std. dev. for both I and Q values. -
27 "thresh_input_missing_lines" Float 1 Threshold for setting the missing lines quality flag - maximum percentage of missing lines to total lines. %
28 "thresh_input_gaps" Float 1 Threshold for setting the missing gaps quality flag - maximum number of missing gaps allowed. -
29 "lines_per_gaps" ULong 1 Number of missing lines which constitute a gap lines
30 "spare_2" Spare 1 Spare -
31 "input_mean" Float 2 Input data mean (i channel, q channel -
32 "input_std_dev" Float 2 Input data standard deviation (i channel, q channel) -
33 "num_gaps" Float 1 Number of gaps (composed of a predetermined number of consecutive missing lines) -
34 "num_missing_lines" Float 1 Number of missing lines (excluding gaps) -
35 "output_mean" Float 2 Output data mean (detected samples, followed by zero, or i channel followed by q channel for SLC) -
36 "output_std_dev" Float 2 Output data standard deviation (detected samples followed by zero, or i channel followed by q channel for SLC) -
37 "tot_errors" ULong 1 Total number of errors detected in ISP headers -
38 "Spare_3" Spare 1 Spare -
39 "land_flag" UChar 1 Land Flag 0 = no land in imagette1 = land in imagette flag
40 "look_conf_flag" UChar 1 Look image statistics confidence parameter flag 1 = The ratio of the standard deviation to the mean of the first look image is outside the range given by a minimum and a maximum threshold.0 =otherwise flag
41 "inter_look_conf_flag" UChar 1 Inter-look confidence statistics confidence parameter flag1 = The normalised deviation of the two inter-look sub-images is greater than a maximum threshold.0 = otherwise flag
42 "az_cutoff_flag" UChar 1 Azimuth cut-off convergence measure flag1 = The normalised RMS error between the fitted co-variance profile is greater than a maximum threshold.0 = otherwise flag
43 "az_cutoff_iteration_flag" UChar 1 Azimuth cut-off Iteration count overflow flag1 = The Azimuth cut-off fit did not converge within a minimum number of iterations.0 = otherwise flag
44 "phase_flag" UChar 1 Phase information confidence measure flag1 = The imaginary spectral peak is less than a minimum threshold, and the zero lag shift is greater than a minimum threshold.0 = otherwise flag
45 "spare_4" Spare 1 Spare -
46 "look_conf_thresh" Float 2 Look image statistics confidence parameter thresholds (minimum and maximum) -
47 "inter_look_conf_thresh" Float 1 Inter-look confidence statistics confidence parameter threshold -
48 "az_cutoff_thresh" Float 1 Azimuth cut-off convergence measure threshold -
49 "az_cutoff_iterations_thresh" ULong 1 Azimuth cut-off Iteration count overflow threshold -
50 "phase_peak_thresh" Float 1 Phase information confidence measure threshold for the spectral peak -
51 "phase_cross_thresh" Float 1 Phase information confidence measure threshold for cross covariance peak offset m
52 "spare_5" Spare 1 Spare -
53 "look_conf" Float 1 Look image statistics confidence parameterThe ratio of the standard deviation to the mean of the first look image -
54 "inter_look_conf" Float 1 Inter-look confidence statistics confidence parameter.The normalised deviation of the two inter-look sub-images -
55 "az_cutoff" Float 1 Azimuth cut-off convergence measureThe normalised RMS error between the fitted co-variance profile -
56 "phase_peak_conf" Float 1 Phase information confidence measure for the spectral peakThe imaginary spectral peak -
57 "phase_cross_conf" Float 1 Phase information confidence measure for cross covariance peak offset m
58 "spare_6" Spare 1 Spare -