Supported ENVISAT Products

Wave Mode Geolocation ADS

  Fields of ENVISAT ASAR_Wave_Geolocation_ADSR Records

Index Identifier Field Type Field Length Description Units
0 "zero_doppler_time" MJD 1 Zero Doppler Time of first line of the first line of the imagette MJD
1 "attach_flag" UChar 1 Attachment Flag (set to 1 if unable to compute the cross spectra for a given SLC imagette (i.e. no Cross Spectra MDSR corresponding to this ADSR), set to 0 otherwise) flag
2 "center_lat" SLong 1 Geodetic latitude of center point (positive north) This is the center point of the wave cell. It is calculated after the cross spectra processing, and thus may differ from the center sample latitude of the SLC imagette if slant range to ground range conve (1e-6) degrees
3 "center_long" SLong 1 Geodetic longitude of center point (positive east)This is the center point of the wave cell. It is calculated after the cross spectra processing, and thus may differ from the center sample latitude of the SLC imagette if slant range to ground range conver (1e-6) degrees
4 "spare_1" Spare 1 Spare -