Supported ENVISAT Products

               INDEX          PRODUCTS          FLAGS     

MERIS Level 2 Reduced Resolution Geophysical Product

  Bands of ENVISAT MER_RR__2P Products

   Tie-Point Grids of ENVISAT

Index Identifier Type Description Units Bitmask
0 "latitude" Float Latitude of the tie points (WGS-84), positive N deg n/a
1 "longitude" Float Longitude of the tie points (WGS-84), Greenwich origin, positive E deg n/a
2 "dem_alt" Float Digital elevation model altitude m n/a
3 "dem_rough" Float Digital elevation model roughness m n/a
4 "lat_corr" Float Digital elevation model latitude corrections deg n/a
5 "lon_corr" Float Digital elevation model longitude corrections deg n/a
6 "sun_zenith" Float Sun zenith angle deg n/a
7 "sun_azimuth" Float Sun azimuth angles deg n/a
8 "view_zenith" Float Viewing zenith angles deg n/a
9 "view_azimuth" Float Viewing azimuth angles deg n/a
10 "zonal_wind" Float Zonal wind m/s n/a
11 "merid_wind" Float Meridional wind m/s n/a
12 "atm_press" Float Mean sea level pressure hPa n/a
13 "ozone" Float Total ozone DU n/a
14 "rel_hum" Float Relative humidity % n/a

   Bands of ENVISAT

Index Identifier Type Description Units Bitmask
15 "reflec_1" Float Normalized surface reflectance, band 1 dl n/a
16 "reflec_2" Float Normalized surface reflectance, band 2 dl n/a
17 "reflec_3" Float Normalized surface reflectance, band 3 dl n/a
18 "reflec_4" Float Normalized surface reflectance, band 4 dl n/a
19 "reflec_5" Float Normalized surface reflectance, band 5 dl n/a
20 "reflec_6" Float Normalized surface reflectance, band 6 dl n/a
21 "reflec_7" Float Normalized surface reflectance, band 7 dl n/a
22 "reflec_8" Float Normalized surface reflectance, band 8 dl n/a
23 "reflec_9" Float Normalized surface reflectance, band 9 dl n/a
24 "reflec_10" Float Normalized surface reflectance, band 10 dl n/a
25 "reflec_12" Float Normalized surface reflectance, band 12 dl n/a
26 "reflec_13" Float Normalized surface reflectance, band 13 dl n/a
27 "reflec_14" Float Normalized surface reflectance, band 14 dl n/a
28 "water_vapour" Float Water vapour content g/cm^2 n/a
29 "algal_1" Float Chlorophyll 1 content mg/m^3 l2_flags.WATER
30 "algal_2" Float Chlorophyll 2 content mg/m^3 l2_flags.WATER
31 "yellow_subs" Float Yellow substance 1/m l2_flags.WATER
32 "total_susp" Float Total suspended matter g/m^3 l2_flags.WATER
33 "photosyn_rad" Float Photosynthetically active radiation myEinstein/(m^2*s) l2_flags.WATER
34 "toa_veg" Float MGVI - MERIS global vegetation index 1 l2_flags.LAND
35 "boa_veg" Float MTCI - MERIS terrestrial chlorophyll index 1 l2_flags.LAND
36 "rect_refl_red" Float Rectified surface reflectance in a red band dl l2_flags.LAND
37 "rect_refl_nir" Float Rectified surface reflectance in a infrared band dl l2_flags.LAND
38 "surf_press" Float Surface pressure hPa l2_flags.LAND
39 "aero_alpha" Float Aerosol Angstrom exponent dl !l2_flags.CLOUD
40 "aero_opt_thick_443" Float Aerosol optical thickness at 443 nm (land) dl l2_flags.LAND
41 "aero_opt_thick_550" Float Aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm (land and water) dl !l2_flags.CLOUD
42 "aero_opt_thick_865" Float Aerosol optical thickness at 865 nm (water) dl l2_flags.WATER
43 "cloud_albedo" Float Cloud albedo dl l2_flags.CLOUD
44 "cloud_opt_thick" Float Cloud optical thickness dl l2_flags.CLOUD
45 "cloud_top_press" Float Cloud top pressure hPa l2_flags.CLOUD
46 "cloud_type" UChar Cloud type n/a l2_flags.CLOUD
47 "l2_flags" ULong Level 2 classification and quality flags n/a n/a