The "MERIS of the Day" archive is written in Javascript and optimized for Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox Browser.
Images obtained from the MERIS (Medium Range Imaging Spectrometer) onboard the ENVISAT satellite can be viewed and downloaded from this archive.
All images are in "JPEG" format, are shown as pseudocolour images but as closely as possible to their natural colour.


Working with the Archive

The Control Panel of the Archive looks as follows:

The data can be easily downloaded following certain criteria
and the RR MERIS images can be shown and printed in a variety of different sizes.



Download Database

Download database first!!

This archive is not the same as a dynamic website and it is therefore necessary to download the databank first.
It should be pointed out, however, that the database contains many items which may involve a significant time investment from the user in order to obtain a good ovewview of what is on offer.
On the other hand, it is possible to download just those parts of the database which are of immediate interest.

The following will illustrate how to download data for single months or years (e.g. October 2003).
Once the DB has been downloaded, the corresponding month and year appears.

After pressing the "show selection" button one obtains an overview of all the geographical areas present in the DB.

Information relating to each point can be obtained by passing the mouse over the point of interest.
Thumbnail images together with coordinates and information concerning the chosen areas can be obtained by double-clicking on the red point







Working with the DB

Once the DB has been downloaded, it is now possible to set the criteria for the required images, namely: Geographic Position, Date/Time, Name.
Important: When more than one criteria is chosen, it is important to note that all criteria will work in unison. Changing the conditions for one criterion will not, however, effect any others.
Use the "Reset" button to clear all criteria fields.
After re-starting the DB at a later date all items chosen to date will be shown.

Input of geographical criteria.

With the mouse "Drag&Drop", a frame will be drawn which can be moved over the world map until the desired coordinates match-up. The coordinates appear in the windows under the image map.



Input of Date criteria.

A time window can now be set to request all data obtained during this period.
For this purpose the YYYY/MM/DD format must be used, or one can simply click on the calender icon to work with the calendar.

One can also choose between either the Date of the required image or the Orbit Number.
When the absolute orbit number is given and the check button clicked, the respective Orbit appears on the world map.

Input using Name

Every image in the DB has its own specific description and one can search for images using certain words. There are particular words (in English) which pre-define a particular event: e.g. Cloud, Hurricane, Fire etc.

It is also possible to use these words to make a choice or to write ones own criteria. However, in such instances, small or capital letters are important as is the order of the words.



After all (or no) criteria have been chosen, it is now possible to start the program.



After a brief period, all images corresponding to the chosen criteria will be listed


Working with Images

When one of the Thumbnail images is clicked, the corresponding point will be shown on the world map, and a new image appears which allows different displays and sizes of the image to be shown.

Press one of the radio buttons to obtain the required enlargement of the image.
Note: It can happen that the enlarged image will not be downloaded. In such cases, click again on the Thumbnail image. If the enlarged image has been downloaded but does not appear to be correct, then click again on the appropriate radio button.

Once the image has appeared on the Viewer page one can now enjoy the beauty and complexity of our planet and even make a hardcopy if one so desires.


Printing the Images

To print the image as it actually appears on the screen, press the correspondent print icon.
A new page appears.

Print this image using the internet browser, as shown below.

The "Meris of the Day" archive was developed by Brockmann Consult, September 2004.